Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Sacred Heart Eco Club (VASHI):

Sacred Heart Eco Club (VASHI):Greenline Final Session And Evaluation
Our final session with Greenline was scheduled for 6th March 2012. The jury consisted of Mr. Harshal Deshmukh (Urban Farmer), Ms. Steffi(Student of Ph.D. for Environment and Children) and Ms.-Aurla(Ph.D. in Ecology and Environment), along with Mr. Alden D’silva, Greenline member.
Mahesh and Akhilesh presented all the Eco-Club activities undertaken by us for the academic year 2011-2012. These included gardening activities using soil made fertile through the usage of Amrut Jal, making bird houses from waste benches from the classrooms, Bio purification using canna plant, setting up an environment policy in the school, etc. This was followed by the presentation made by Poorva, Rucha and Rithika, which was about the challenges put forward to us by Greenline. This included a water audit in both the primary and the secondary classes of our school. “Cut the flush” was another interesting activity which almost all of us have implemented in the school. Also, we went to the Morbe Dam as part of our school’s field trip and had discussions with the locals. We also sent a water sample from Sagar Vihar, which is a mangrove area, to the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, for analysis. To make sure that this information does not remain only in the confines of the school we also had an interactive session with the students of Sainath English High School, Vashi and Anchorwala Education Society, Vashi. The students were very enthusiastic and also wished to contact Greenline for further insight into this project.
 After a brief rundown of these activities, we had a question-answer session with the judges, which was very informative.
We then showed them all the various areas of our school where the Eco-Club activities have been implemented, like the vermicomposting pit, and the botanical garden. Also, they seemed to be very impressed with the number of projects from our school which have reached the national level.
The session was very inspiring and informative. I would like to thank the judges for their valuable insights. We here at Sacred Heart High School, will try our level best to try and do whatever we have been adviced to do. I would like to thank Greenline, for always pushing us to do our very best in whatever project we undertake.